While the hallways and classrooms of 10600 Preston Road are quiet over the summer, activity is ramping up on the northeast side of campus, where just over one year ago, St. Mark’s broke ground on the Marksman Athletic Complex. Once completed, this facility will benefit Marksmen across campus. This building will also serve as a testament to the generosity and vision of the families who have supported its construction — including one family whose leadership will be honored in its name: the Zierk Athletic Center.

The Athletic Complex Project is the School’s largest and most ambitious building project in its history. In keeping with the longstanding debt policy established by the St. Mark’s Board of Trustees, the full cost of the project was committed before the beginning of construction. St. Mark’s alumni, parents and friends rose to the immense challenge and collectively invested over $75 million in record time before the groundbreaking in May 2023.


Less than a year after breaking ground, students, faculty, Trustees, alumni, donors, and project partners gathered to watch a crane hoist one of the final beams put into place above the building's central atrium. Hundreds of signatures dotted the 26-foot beam, where members of the senior class and many others added their names. The topping-off ceremony recognized the boys who would soon be utilizing the building, as well as those who made the project possible.


Among the signatures on the beam were families and individuals whose visionary leadership brought the project to life. The Zierk Family will be recognized for their historic and inspiring generosity in the name of this state-of-the-art building. When asked for their inspiration for support, they shared:

"The St. Mark’s community welcomed us when we moved here in late 2019. Our support is our way of also saying thank you to the many St. Mark’s families who helped us make Dallas our home,” said Dawn and David Zierk. “Furthermore, after seeing the Trustees, the administration, and Beck construction build an outstanding Winn Science Center, we had full confidence in this next vital project for the school.”

More than 115 community members have joined the Zierks in committing more than $86 million to date in support of this singular undertaking. The inspiring stories and lifelong connections to St. Mark’s represented by each one of these gifts is truly humbling. From multi-generational families, long serving Trustees and volunteers to parents of newer Marksmen, a diverse array of families representing a broad swath of affiliation with the School have stepped forward in support of students. 
"The St. Mark’s community welcomed us when we moved here in late 2019. Our support is our way of also saying thank you to the many St. Mark’s families who helped us make Dallas our home."

–Dawn & David Zierk

List of 1 items.

  • 335,000

    Bricks ordered to cover the building. 

List of 1 items.

  • 34,799 lbs.

    Weight of the largest truss, installed over the natatorium.

List of 1 items.

  • 475 tons

    Weight of the Athletic Complex's steel structure

List of 1 items.

  • 5,000

    Individual pieces in the steel structure.


Longtime Trustee Jeff Hillier ’76 has been instrumental in helping St. Mark's recover from the tornado, including in his role as Board President. From the very beginning of the Athletic Project Planning Committee, Jeff helped the School chart a path that not only replaces the facilities that were lost but strengthens programs for all students. 

The Board, under Jeff's leadership, made the completion of the Athletic Complex its top priority. Personally, the project also became a top priority for Jeff and his wife Kathryne. 

“Both of our sons were accomplished athletes who thrived at St. Mark’s and went on to participate in varsity athletics at the collegiate level,” Jeff said. “The skills, discipline, and sportsmanship they learned at St. Mark’s served them well at the next level. We were motivated to support the Athletic Complex as a way of expressing our gratitude for the coaches, teachers, and staff who helped shape the lives of our sons and all Marksmen.”

Kathryne is equally familiar with the power of a St. Mark’s education as a former President of the Parents’ Association and the parent of two graduates.

"We believe the Athletic Complex will contribute to the bonds of community, serving as a focal point for generations of Marksmen and their families to gather, compete, and support each other,” Kathryne said. 
"We were motivated to support the Athletic Complex as a way of expressing our gratitude for the coaches, teachers, and staff who helped shape the lives of our sons and all Marksmen.”

–Kathryne & Jeff Hillier ’76

PROGRESS (Sept. 2023 – June 2024)


Lowell Ku ’89 has been deeply engaged with his alma mater for decades. He currently serves as Vice President of the Alumni Board, is active in the student-alumni mentoring program, and is the parent of a rising sophomore Marksman. Lowell and his wife, Christine, gave generously toward the project in appreciation for all that St. Mark’s means to their family.

“Our donation reflects our deep belief in the mission of the School and our profound love for St. Mark’s and its community,” Lowell said. “By investing in this state-of-the-art facility, we aim to enhance the School’s ability to foster teamwork, discipline, and a healthy lifestyle among its students. We believe that such an environment is essential for cultivating well-rounded individuals who will positively impact their communities.”

Since the Yao Family joined the St. Mark’s community nine years ago, the School has become a second home. Even though their son graduated this year, Jonathan and Christine decided to invest deeply in the new complex and are excited about its impact on generations of Marksmen and their families. 

“As parents, we believe sports teach children invaluable life skills like cooperation, discipline, and perseverance,” Jonathan said. “Donating to the Athletic Complex is our way of contributing to the community and creating a better environment for future students.”
“Our donation reflects our deep belief in the mission of the School and our profound love for St. Mark’s and its community.”

–Christine & Lowell Ku ’89
Even two decades after his graduation, Satish and Yasmin Gupta still remember the effect St. Mark’s athletics had on their son Arish ’03. As a student, Arish was part of St. Mark’s 2003 SPC-champion varsity tennis team, led by the legendary head tennis coach Jerry Lacey and assistant coach (and future Eugene McDermott Headmaster) David Dini. These memories resonated with the Gupta family when they saw the opportunity to help St. Mark’s rebuild and strengthen its athletic facilities, including the tennis program.
“The athletics program taught our son to become a resilient leader in the face of adversity,” Satish and Yasmin said. “Athletics provided a learning lab for life with lessons in comradery, persistence, discipline, and time management, which has helped create well-rounded future leaders in our community. Our contribution to the tennis pavilion is in support of the athletes and their coaches."

Before long, the sounds of welding and hammering will be replaced with the squeaks of shoes on the basketball court, splashes in the natatorium, and the lively chatter of boys. While work on the Athletic Complex Project forges onward, St. Mark’s looks ahead to the opening of the Zierk Athletic Center’s doors.
St. Mark's School of Texas
10600 Preston Road
Dallas, TX 75230-4047